
How to become Citizen of the World in not so few rules or less

If you like traveling, keep in mind the following list.

1.  Be a men.  Not mandatory but will make your life easier.  From bathroom facilities to PMS, going through the pill, it is always easier for the guys.
2.  Be thin. That would help the packing a lot. If you are used to travel with old clothes and throw them away in the middle of the trip, it would very easy to buy new ones if you can fit into almost anything.
3.  It’s ok to look ugly on vacations.  No summer love would ever be a long term relationship.  People feel free on vacations and the would do almost anyone, so don’t try so hard and don’t expect emails when you get back home.
4.  Have a lot of friends to crash at their houses.  And never stay more than 4 nights in the same house.
5.  Pick the relatives you visit wisely.  They might be to close to your parents.
6.  Don’t talk about your vacations too much.  When people ask how they went, they are only expecting a "great!" as an answer.  Maybe the longer you can do is: "amazing!!!!".
7.  Do not ask someone to take the same picture five times.  Accept you are ugly and your pictures are going to look ugly too.  Only the ones who really really really love you would look at them, and let’s face it, they don’t care the way you look.  There is a very small chance someone that is in to you would look at the pictures, but you significant other wanna be is going to find you attractive either way.
8.  Lower your standards in every sense of the word.
9.  Carry a first aid kit (include antiacid and something for the hungover)
10.  Shave your head (if possible) or find a easy haircut.
11.  For every 10 days outside, plan a day to do absolutely nothing. And stick to the plan.
12.  Human kind has destroyed gazillion monuments, churches, cities and towns.  Think of every little thing you will not be able to see ever (like the 7 wonders of the ancient world) every time you are in line for more than 30 minutes instead of chatting and drinking beers with your friends in a local pub.  
13.  Think twice before buying drugs in a foreign country.
14.  Learn to travel alone.  Do not plan your trips around friends and family plans.  Your only restrictions should be money, visas and health (yours or other’s).
15.  Include a nice expensive restaurant (if they let you in in those smelly ragged
 clothes) and a crazy night out until dawn.
16.  Search for rock concerts aligned with your trip.
17.  Blog once or twice before you go back or the daily work would eat you alive when you fly back.
18.  Have absolutely no ambition at work.  Do what ever you have to do to gain enough money for the next trip and forget about everything else.
19.  Do not have a pet.
20.  Give away your plants before you leave.
21.  Do not wear high heels.
22.  Weare earrings all the time (even at the beach)
23.  Do not think of the people who are not with you during the trip.  Enjoy the company you have there ’cause it would take a lot of time before you see them again.
24.  Try not to be too sensitive.  People hate when you cry in front of the Mona Lisa, the Sixteenth Chapel or the Cesar’s Place.  And if you can’t hold your tears, pretend you are yawning of sneezing.
25.  Never ever ever ever look back.
Bonus track: weare a cowboy hat and look hot in it.

4 comentarios

Maria de la Paz -

Buenísimo. Trataré de poner un par de esos en práctica. Y además recomendadísimo para los que se aventuran a semejante viaje.

Mauricio -

Buen post

Leonardo -

Buena lista. Efectivamente no se cumplen todos pero creo que vas en buen camino.

Maria Alejandra -

Me encanta la lista!
Léete el 18 otra vez y otra vez y otra vez... Opino que SIEMPRE hay que tener un vestido de baño y un vestido o pantalón negro de los que no se arrugan demasiado. Además del buen restaurante, yo incluíría el buen chuzo en el que comen los locales. Por último, el 9 creo que tiene marca: BONFIEST (y no trajimos). :)